
by Adam Lambert

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 23, 2012, 12:39 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


For Your Entertainment

Song Author

Adam Lambert, Kara DioGuardi, Greg Wells

Tabbed by



1st → Vocals
2nd → Synth
3rd → Guitar
4th → Piano 6
5th → Synth 8
6th → Effects
7th → Bass
8th → Drums

File Size

37 KB




I want to start a re+-vo+-lu+-tion. A type of per+-so+-nal so+-lu+-tion. We all have got our own pol+-lu+-tion. It's all a+-bout the e+-xe+-cu+-tion. You got some+-thing to say. Your hands are tied.- O+-pen your mouth, o+-pen it wide.- Let the free+-dom be+-gin. Get on the floor, just let it drive.- Don't it feel good, don't it feel hot?- Feel the fire- with+-in. I wan+-na see you strut! Strut! Strut! C'm+-on walk for me. Strut! Strut! Strut! How you wan+-na be. Eve+-ry+-bo+-dy's look+-ing for some love. But they don't know how to let it all hang out. And that's why they're so+-lo, so+-lo, so+-lo! Don't wan+-na be so+-lo, so+-lo, so+-lo! Don't wan+-na be so+-lo! We+-'re a comp+-li+-ca+-ted na+-tion. And now we're in a si+-tu+-a+-tion. Let's take a May+-bel+-line va+-ca+-tion. Yeah.- And get your+-self some va+-li+-da+-tion. Ah.- You got some+-thing to say. Your hands are tied.- O+-pen your mouth, o+-pen it wide.- Let the free+-dom be+-gin. Get on the floor, just let it drive.- Don't it feel good, don't it feel hot?- Feel the fire- with+-in. I wan+-na see you strut! Strut! Strut! C'm+-on walk for me. Strut! Strut! Strut! How you wan+-na be. Eve+-ry+-bo+-dy's look+-ing for some love. But they don't know how to let it all hang out. And that's why they're so+-lo, so+-lo, so+-lo! Don't wan+-na be so+-lo, so+-lo, so+-lo! Don't wan+-na be so+-lo! Ah. I'll be a lea+-der. Darl+-ing, let your hair down. Show me what you're work+-ing with and let me see you strut! Strut! Strut! Strut! Strut! How you wan+-na be. Eve+-ry+-bo+-dy's look+-ing for some love. But they don't know how to let it all hang out. And that's why they're so+-lo, so+-lo, so+-lo! Don't wan+-na be so+-lo, so+-lo, so+-lo! Don't wan+-na be so+-lo! Strut for me and- show me what you're work+-ing with. Strut for me and- show me what you're work+-ing with. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh.-